Warsaw Stock Exchange
The task of Warsaw Stock Exchange is an exchange of financial instruments. The Stock Exchange provides the concentration of offers of both buyers and sellers at a particular time and place with the aim of establishing rates and transaction realisation. The binding exchange system of Warsaw Exchange is characterised by the fact that the rates of particular financial instruments are established based on orders of buyers and sellers, hence called an order driven market. in order to establish the price of an instrument a collation of requests containing buying and selling directives is prepared (order board). The collation of directives is prepared using a rigid set of rules, whereas transaction realisation takes places in the course of Stock sessions.
To improve the liquidity of instruments noted, the members of Stock or other finacial institutions may serve the role of market animator, placing orders of buying or selling of a given instrument on his own (based on a proper agreement with Stock). The subject of trade on Stock Exchange are security papers: shares, debenture bonds, pre-emptive rights, subscription rights, investment certificates and derivatives: futures contracts, stock options, index units.
Stock Exchange sessions take place Monday – Friday 9.00 – 16.35.

Polish Financial Supervision Authority
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority exercises supervision of the financial market, insurance market, pension market and supplementary supervision of financial conglomerates, which consist of supervised business entities. The aim of the supervision of the financial market is to ensure the proper functioning of this market, its stability, security and transparency, confidence in the financial market and to ensure that the interests of the market’s participants are protected.
From 1 January 2008 financial supervision exercised by The Polish Financial Supervision Authority includes banking supervision and supervision of electronic money institutions, exercised previously by Banking Supervision Authority. The supervision of Polish Financial Supervision Authority is exercised by the Prime Minister.

Association of Listed Companies (SEG)
The Polish Association of Listed Companies is a self-government organization of companies listed on the Stock Exchange, in which the membership is voluntary. The aim of the Association is to enable the cooperation of Listed Companies for the benefit of development of social awareness and responsibility, evolution of Polish economic and social life with a view to establishing market economy and improvement of organisational skills of the members, as well as intensifying comprehension and cooperation between people. The Association refers to economic activity tradition, resourcefulness, frugality and rationalism in actions. The Association takes up actions for the benefit of capital market by means of educational, marketing and lobbying activities. It acts to integrate the environment of securities issuers by organizing trainings and seminars; it represents common interest of this group of entities.
The basic method of Association’s work is to communicate to the market regulators the expectations concerning the improvement of securities market performance, and to formulate the proposals to change legal regulations, which would increase the stock exchange attractiveness as a place, where the capital for economic entities can be raised. SEG is a member of European Association of Listed Comapnies (EALIC).The president of EALIC is a member of EALIC Board. a representative of SEC is a regular member of Legal Commitee of EALIC, where projects of legal acts prepared on the forum of European Union are reviewed.

Association of Stockbrokers and Advisors (ZMiD)
ZMiD is an organisation gathering persons with licences of national stockbrokers or advisors. It operates on the basis of the Act of assosiations and is authorised by the Act of supervision of capital market – and constitutes a representative organisation of stockbrokers of security papers and investment advisors denoting the right to participate in sessions of Securities and Exchange Commission with an consultative function.